Welcome to XMMMRMMMMMMRR kuuuun@RM5X xMMMMM puuuxnn@RVMX! .xnm@HMRMhnx@ @@@@h@RM @M$RRM" .z@RMMRMMM!'@@@@h@RMP""" :RRM .zMM# 9MMM#" .MMM":MMM .@M" *MMR^ `>MMZ @MMMMMM6G. MMMMH@u+ ~ .@MM MMMf :RMmnnxxxx. :$RRM M@*"` `^9MM !MMM""*"" XMM8MM*MMMMM ^""***M*MMM> :RRRM MMR...unMMM" :MMMLx@MRRdMM" JMM(dR -... .HMMf :RMMMF MMMM*""" xMMMMMMM6h@M" 'MMM."MM888MM88M" :RMMM" #MMM> :8HMM`~ XMUH dRMMMX MMP"""#MMX .z@RMMRMMM!' R@M dMMM% xRMM" dMM" :RMf dMM :MM *MM :MMMdMRMMM> MMMf dRM" MMM RML.u@RM*" MMMH@@@Nnu 'MMMMf :MMRM@M dRMM8MBMMMK dM#MMMMMk ^"""*P#8MX' MMMf RMMM@fJRM" :RM~ @MR RML.u@ . uMMM XMMM `?MMM ****************************** * * * Type 'connect guest guest' to login as a guest. * * Type 'connect ' to login to your existing character.* * Type 'WHO' to get a list of connected players. * * Type 'QUIT' to logoff. * * * ************************************************************************ [ January 1, 1999 ] Pine Bluffs Amidst the trees and foliage of freshly scented pine, any traces of sky slowly dissolve underneath a deciduous canopy. In great girthed fashion, the great stout redwoods claw for space, figthing twig and branch with its nearest neighbor, competetor, or passerby. Birds chirp and bounce at any disturbance, knocking thin needles to the forest floor. Almost imperceptibly, the lush ground slopes as it scrambles up the Mountain, tilting the land slightly askew in its frenetic dash. Contents: Mimic [Giganotosaurus] [P] Obvious exits: South leads to Base of Mountain. Northeast leads to Mountain Path. Up leads to Sky Above Grid Alpha. Mimic enters from the mountain base.. Mimic strides in silently. Mimic A large carnosaur that resembles a Tyrannosaurus rex. Her coloration is an amber brown with honey undertones above and a pale creamy color on her belly/underside. Her large eyes are a bright red color, and the pupil is a solid black. Unlike a Tyrannosaurus rex, Mimic has 3 claws on each hand, and longer arms, and the nub of a horn above each eye like that of an allosaurus. (in fact, her whole body is quite simmilar to that of an allosaurus) She is around 6 tons and 45 feet long, and is larger than the 'average' T.rex, but is more lightly, less powerfly built. Despite her size, there's something that would remind one of a young bird about this dinosaur. Her feet are a bit larger and so are her eyes, than what one would expect from an adult animal, perhaps this is what lends to the general sense of her being a young creature. Argen is lying on a tree branch, hidden by pine needles. Mimic sniffs around, gets a nosefull of pineneedles, and promptly sneezes. Mimic growls a bit at the pine needles, and snaps at them...then she realises how they taste, and sputters and snarls, spitting them out.."Ickickick!" Argen cranes her head to watch Mimic. Mimic shakes her head from side to side, and continues to spit out the pine needles. Mimic kicks at the nasty 'ol pineneedles. HA! That'll show 'em! Argen makes a low rumbling sound that is almost a growl. Mimic startles at the growl....swinging her head from side to side to try to locate its source...she calls out softly,"Hello?" Argen shifts slightly, enough probably to be visible. Mimic spots Argen. She cheerily chirps,"hello!" Mimic says, "A doggie!" Argen raises an eyebrow-ridge at that, then after a long moment states evenly, "I am a Gray Fox." Mimic declairs,"Well, you /look/ like a doggie." then she asks,"Are you a maximal? Cuz alla doggies are maximals.. how come there aren't any pred doggies?" Argen says, "I am a Maximal. And I do not know." Mimic says, "oh" Mimic chrrs,"Scorpynok-clickity-claws said I might have fleas and to find them and give 'em to the maximals, isn't that nice?" Argen says, "And you are on Maximal territory. I am not cetain that is appropriate." Argen says drily, "Very nice." Mimic says, "I'aven't seen any fleas though...so I don't know how I'm gonna give them to the maximals....do you see any fleas?" Argen says, "I do not." Mimic frowns,"But er'one's gonna be mad at me if I don't do as I's told! What'll I do?" she asks, her voice raising to a near wailing cry. Argen says, "You cannot give us fleas if you have none. That is evident." Mimic says, "Then Scorpy was wrong? Cause he said I had fleas..." Argen says, "It is possible." Mimic's jaw drops open. She never thought /that/ could be true. Mimic simply looks stunned by the idea that Scorpanok (or any higher ranking pred) could be wrong. Argen stretches forward on her branch, still looking downwards. Mimic says, "What'll I do then?" Argen says, "Inform him that you do not have fleas and thus cannot pass them on." Mimic says, "Won't 'e be mad at me though?" Argen says, "I do not know." Mimic nevously starts to chew on the tip of a claw of one toe. She's not sure what to do. Mimic quietly pads off, sulkily. Mimic heads off to Base of Mountain.