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The grass is short, but a healthy bright green, especially near the small spring that runs across the ground. On the other side of the clearing, where the land begins to slope upwards, is an opening in the undergrowth and ground, leading to a (den). Through the trees to the [L]ush [G]rassland [Up] to the Savannah Slope -A small (den) where the ground slopes upward- You can see... [ZZZ] Zalirah, little serval. [ZZZ] Masali [ZZZ] Jadyyr, eyes still closed, sleeping soundly next to his family [ZZZ] Kwafeli [ZZZ] Mohatu Inkosi enters from the Lush Grassland. Inkosi enters and looks around. He pads to the water to drink. Inkosi is a large adolescent, almost as big as a pride male. He is alert and curious about everything. His fur is a honey tan. His belly fur, and tail tip, as well as the tips of his ears, are white like his mother Jaid's, and you can see his sire, Jazin, in his almost fully developed mane, which colors his neck black with red highlights,when the sun hits it. His eyes are green and alert. He was loved and protected as a cub, and is therefore even tempered and happy. He is also easy going and strong, as well as being devoted to his mother, Jaid. He is confidant of his abilities, and feels no need to 'prove' himself, to anyone. He sees you looking at him, and smiles. Fevra draws to her feet instantly, and her voice is sharp. "There's a river up a ways, use that. This is my ground." Inkosi looks up from his drink, and turns to the voice. "Fevra? Is this the way you welcome family?" Fevra says bluntly, "Yes." Her posture echoes her uncivil tone, tense as she stands over her cubs. "When odd Lions just storm in and takes my water," she clarifies grudgingly after a moment. Inkosi says, "I apologize, I was looking for you and didn't see you in the grass." Fevra hruffs, unimpressed, although mollified a little by the apology, and standing down partially from her agressive stance. Inkosi smiles. "So where are the little balls of fluff I've heard about. Aunt Fevra?" Fevra shifts her weight, not sure for a moment whether to be offended by the casual address, then decides to be civil. "Under me," she says lightly, stepping aside and then lying down next to the sleeping four. "And I'm not suprised that you didn't see /them/ in the grass." Inkosi looks at the sleeping kits. "They are certainly small." Fevra curls around them more securely, although without hiding them from view. "Yes, they are. But growing." Inkosi looks at Mohatu. "How has he been doing? And you too? Fevra says, "He's been alright, although tired. I'm fine." Inkosi nods. "Good to hear that, I've been worried about him. and all of you. Especially since...." Fevra cuts the Lion off. "I know." Inkosi says, "Well, we are definately moving to Maelia's lands. When is the question. Mom and Dad have a few loose ends to tie up and all. But we'll soon be neighbors." Fevra mms. "Well then." Inkosi says, "It looks like I will be able to visit here often." Fevra mms noncomittally before saying aloud, "Will you, then?" Inkosi looks bewildered. "Yes, If I am welcome. I would like to keep in touch with my family. Fevra says vaguely, "Yes, well. How are you related, anyway?" She asks, genuinely curious. "It's hard to keep track of all you Lions." Inkosi says, "Mohatu and my fathers' dad are brothers. That makes him my great-Uncle, and you his adopted sister my great Aunt." Fevra adds, "And my cubs your cousins. I suppose I should introduce them. Zalirah, Masali, and Kwafeli." Of course, there's four cubs there, and she's only named three. Inkosi nods, and looks at the cubs."and the other?" Fevra says gently, looking at the small, honey furred cub. "I haven't named him yet." Inkosi says, "Ah, waiting for a good one. One that fits." Fevra says, "Yes, exactally." Inkosi says, "Good idea, not like there's no time left. He'll be a while before he's in need of a name." Fevra nods thoughtfully, then rests her chin on her forelegs. "Soon, though. Zalirah opened her eyes earlier today." Inkosi nods, smiling. "He'll have one before he has to respond to one, I'm sure." Fevra says, "I'll find one that fits, in the end. That's the important thing." Inkosi grins. "As did my mom. As she told me. Inkosi means chieftan, and it looks like I will be one." Fevra says casually, "Lion politics." Inkosi nods. "If you live with them, you must live like them. Or be cast out, and alone." Fevra would lift a brow if she had them. She puts some skepticism into her tone. "Oh? I don't know about that one." Inkosi says, "Lions are social furs, they don't like to live without the group. There are a few rare ones who do, but by and large, No." Fevra mms again, shifting to keep watching the cubs by her side. Jadyyr slowly awakens with a yawn, a quick stretch, and a weak attempt at falling back asleep by rolling over. Inkosi says, "Well, I will leave you now. Nice seeing you again." Inkosi goes up to the Savannah Slope. Fevra watches the Lion leave, then turns her head to watch her son wake among his siblings. Jadyyr gives up trying to return to sleepy land, and once again stretches the night's cramps and whatnot out of his little cub bones. He clears his head with a quick shake and slowly opens an eye, a first for the little tyke. Fevra keeps watching, entranced by her cub's movements, but not yet seeing his open eyes, as his head is turned just slightly away. Jadyyr opens his other eye and peers around, entranced by surroundings his newly aquired sight is providing him with. Fevra almost forgets to breathe as her son looks at her with filmy blue eyes. "You..." she whispers, utterly amazed. Fluffed cub coat a kind of pale gold, ears not so laid back as they once were, beginning to grow towards their full size. But mostly those eyes. "You could be his," she breathes, for a wild moment wishing that could be the truth. Jadyyr yawns again and peers up at his mum, revelling in his new sight. Finally, pictures to match to the sounds he hears, the things he feels. No more uncertainty about what an object or feeling is. Fevra falls silent, but is thinking furiously, knowing that this is the time to name him, when he seems poised on the edge of becoming whatever he will be, when she can look at him and see not only the near-stranger who fathered her cubs, but also the deeply beloved friend and mate she has not yet come to terms with losing. "Jad--Jaddyr," she speaks at last, her quiet voice a caress. "You're Jadyyr, for--both of them." Jadyyr continues staring at his mother, and takes her apparent happiness as a good thing by snuggling into her paw happily. Fevra brings her other forepaw around to gently hold her son. "Jadyyr," she whispers again, and slowly smiles. "Mine. Ours. You." So much in the past, so many might have beens, so uncertain a future. But named, at least. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------=