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The grass is short, but a healthy bright green, especially near the small spring that runs across the ground. On the other side of the clearing, where the land begins to slope upwards, is an opening in the undergrowth and ground, leading to a (den). Through the trees to the [L]ush [G]rassland [Up] to the Savannah Slope -A small (den) where the ground slopes upward- You can see... [ZZZ] Zalirah, the voodoo child. [IC ] Jadyyr [ZZZ] Kwafeli Jadyyr Jadyyr is a young Serval cub, rather awkward in appearance, cub roundness in conflict with the lankiness of his kind. Even at this age his legs seem overlong, contrasting with his short tail and round skull. This short-muzzled face is topped by a pair of tall, upright ears, set close together. Black-backed with a horizontal white bar, their movements punctuate Jadyyr's expression of moods. In color, he is a honeyed tan, fading to a creamy white along throat, underside, and the inner surfaces of his legs. Spattered over this is a pattern of small black spots, which gather into fragmented loops curving down his back and shoulders, then ring his tail before tipping it in black. A mottling of black also surrounds his eyes, themselves a lively orange amber. These, and the generally friendly expression on his pale-furred face, display curiousity and interest in the world still largely new to this young feline. Fevra is muttering unhappily, twisting about as she begins to awaken. She lands on her side, then, with further shifting, sits up as she opens her eyes, blinking rapidly at first, readjusting herself. Jadyyr yawns and glances over at the sirring mound of fur that he calls 'Mum' and grins. His eyes are still half closed lazilly, but from his sitting position, it seems like he's been up for some time, "Good mornin' Mum! 'bout time you woke." Fevra gruffs in throaty query, then shakes herself and manages to say with some coherrence, "Morning yourself, cub. And I was awake earlier, for your information." Jadyyr grins and shrugs, "Wasn't awake. Nah my fault for not noticin', eh?" Fevra's expression turns faintly amused. "True," she agrees. "Now then, any reason in particular you wanted me up? Or just to admire your lovely self?" Jadyyr shakes his head, "Nope. Jus' bored, and its been so quiet 'round here... though, now that you mention it, I do look pretty good, don' I?" He grins. Fevra takes a moment to look her son over. "Not bad," comes her answer, mock grudging. "You're growing well," she relents. Jadyyr grins for a moment more, then goes modest, "Allright, enough of the praise stuff, ot its gonna goto my head... where's sis? Sleepin' still?" Fevra's practical reponse is to ask, "Which one? And probably." Jadyyr hmms, "Dunno... either or? They both still out?" Fevra answers, "Out as in asleep, certainly. They're entitled, hmm?" Jadyyr nods, "Guess so... and when's Kwafeli gonna wake? I hardly ever seen him 'round, unless he's dozing..." Fevra says peacibly, "Well, I do. I think he just tries to avoid you lot, and who can blame him?" She ends on a teasing note, deftly changing the subject. Jadyyr raises an eyebrow, "Who can blame him? Avoid me, with my shinin' personality? Mum, I feel so... hurt?" places a paw to his chest in mock shock, and falls onto his side. Fevra leans over to nose at her son. "Little terror, you are," she laughs at him. Jadyyr rolls back up onto his feet and shakes some dust off casually, "Really now... is he really tryin' to avoid me?" Fevra shakes her head. "I doubt it," she asserts, "He's just lazy. I suppose it's bound to happen, among a litter of four." Jadyyr hmphs, "Well, he's missin' all the fun things! Like romping, and... uhm... swimming, for some... and wrestling and annoyin' the sisters. All that great stuff..." Fevra smiles for a moment. "Getting used to swimming at last, then," she comments. Jadyyr shakes his head, "Nope, but admittin' that some weird siblings like it..." Fevra stretches, then seats herself once more. "They do," she agrees. "And I think you will as well, in time. But on another path--" The adult turns rather more serious, under her still light tone. "Your sisters have been saying they'd rather we knew other Servals. Do you...feel that as well, Jad?" Jadyyr hmms, slightly reluctant to answer, "Well... considerin' that Kwafeli sleeps all the time, which means that I'm surrounded by girls all day long, I guess a fresh face or two wouldn't hurt? Not sayin' I want to, just... I dunno really. Why?" Fevra attempts to act casual. "I...I'd like you to be happy." She winces, remembering hearing those words from another, moons ago now. "As I would like to be," she adds, quietly, eyes misting for an instant before she regains control. Jadyyr glances over at you, "Well, do what you think is best for us... you know what's right." Fevra seems mildly suprised. "Wise words, my son. But I don't know that you feel them, yet. And I am trying...but nothing's quite for the best." Jadyyr nods, "Well, do your best Mum, as its all I could ever want... were there any other Servals that you were thinkin' of for us to meet?" Fevra chews over that thought for some moments before answering aloud. "Not exactally...Those few I know haven't been about, and to go looking for them would be trespassing, so I can't. Just your," she changes tacts, "Pajadi, that is. And it's rather worse, this half-knowing--for me at least. Maybe better for you." Jadyyr nods, following along, then hrms? "My Pajadi? Mum... you're not talking sense sometimes." Fevra says quietly, "Pajadi, your father--but it would be rather easier for us adults, if you didn't try to know him." Jadyyr frowns, "Father? Why isn't he around, or even visit? Or is he like Kwafeli, and sleeps all the time?" Fevra shakes her head in slight negation, growing thoughtful and almost wary. Of course this time would come, to try and explain. "He...can't, you see. Even if he wished to--and there's been times when he has wished to see you cubs. But," she pauses, then forges ahead, "Well, he's other obligations. And they come first, to him. As I would have had my own reasons to keep apart." Jadyyr nods, following along again, "So... he's busy with other stuff, but were going to get to see him eventually?" Fevra frowns, not certain how to answer that. "Maybe when you're grown," she says at last, speaking frankly to Jadyyr as she might not to his sisters, or the lazy brother she feels to be most closely hers. "But unless something changes, I'm not to trespass before then, nor you." Jadyyr hmms, "Ok Mum... I won't trespass, even thought I don't know where i'm not s'pposed to... but I do intend on meetin' Pajadi-- err, father someday, with your permission?" Fevra says carefully, "Well, I need to show you, as I did with Zal and Masali. So if you're lucky then, we might run into him." Changing the issue somewhat, she adds, "I suppose you could call him your father--he is, after all. Pajadi, Rangfar once, of unknown lineage." Jadyyr also tries to steer away from the touchy subject, seeing as you seem to be uncomfortable with it, "So, what're you going to do 'bout meet new Servals? Zal and Masali want to meet 'em, as you said, and I'm kinda neutral, and Kwafeli's asleep most of the time... appease the girls of the family?" Fevra mms, acceping the shift in topics. "I can't do much if they don't come near, those I'm willing to let enter my ground. I don't believe I've actively discourged any, bar that Silvara when she brought the male near. Haven't seen her since, but that's little enough of a loss." Jadyyr mms, "Well, what about somebody else? You've got t'know more people, even if they aren't serval... maybe fresh faces of any kinda will be nice?" Fevra comments, "I told Zal she could wander away on her own, if it wasn't far, and she was careful. I'll tell you the same." Jadyyr snorts, "Me? Wander? Comon... I'd get lost. 'sides, whats out there that could be better than what I got right here?" Fevra says, her tone and expression both becoming lighter, "You're the one who's complaining about boredom, Jad. Thought it might help." Jadyyr grins, "I complain, but I'm too lazy to do anything 'bout it at the moment." Fevra smiles at him. "Silly," she says at last. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------=