=--------------------------------------------------------------------------= ___ _ _ ___ ' | ` |__| |__` oooo | | | |__, .ooooo. o 88 ---------------------------------------------------- o8" `"o8 88 ooo oo888oo ooo ooo ooo oo ooo ooo ooo d8' " 88 8 ,8' `8. 8"8 8 8 o8' 8 8"8 8 d8 88 8 88 88 8 8 8 8o' 8 8 8 8 88 oooo 88 8 88 88 8 8 8 88o 8 8 8 8 88 di 88 ,o 8 `8. ,8' 8 8.8 8 `8. 8 8 8.8 `88. ,8i o88ooooo'o8o `"ooooo"' o8o o8o o8o `8o o8o o8oo o8 (c)"88oood' =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= The Lion King is copyright 1994 by the Walt Disney Company. This MUCK in no way constitutes a challenge to this copyright. =--------------------------------------------------------------------------= Administrative contact: TLK Admin Registered users: type 'connect ' to connect. Guest users: type 'connect guest guest' to connect as a Guest. For finding a name, type 'names' after connecting, and to apply for a character, read the rules and type 'CCS'. *If the MUCK is DOWN, please email the Admin so they can restart it!* =-------------------= NO HUMANS BEYOND THIS POINT! =---------------------= [ July 21, 1999 ] Uzima Valley Falls You look around this area. It is rather dark here, with the immensely tall jungle trees blocking some of the sun. Out of an opening in the wall of the basin spills out a huge waterfall of crystal clear water, foamy and misty. When it hits the large pool below, your eyes wander there. The bottom is pure black rock, with a slightly grey gravely swirl to it, and it gives the water a rather dark look. Some of the rock pokes over the surface of the water, creating small 'islands', covered with mist from the raging waterfall. To the right of you, as you face the cascading fall, is the slanted wall of the basin, and to the left of you is a dark, grassy, green area bordered on the other side by a thick patch of humid jungle. The area here is a little humid as well, but a cool misty breeze blows over you from the direction of the water, and the strip of ground that you can rest on is suprisingly warm. This area is very quiet, cool, and the perfect place to come with those you love. [T]o the Bottom of Uzima Valley [F]ollow the [R]iver You can see... [ZZZ] [Halji] You don't know her. [IC ] Tahzhoo, a young lion with some scabbed bite wounds and scratches.. Still curled around his sister the young lion is awake already, watching the waterfall with his head still resting on the ground. Kiwanja moves back towards her sleeping brother, having been a few steps from him, watching the water in fascination a sharp and almost amusing contrast to her earlier nervousness. Tahzhoo pushes himself to a sitting position, shifting his focus at Kiwanja now. "Feeling better, 'ja?", he ask in a soft voice. Kiwanja mrehws in fairly affirmative-sounding reply as she flops to her belly in front of the Lion. She flicks a glance towards the sleeping Halji, but declines to mention her as yet. Tahzhoo's eyes follows her look to the lioness and back. "You know her?", he asks, curious about having missed something important. Kiwanja sits up in order to answer more easily. "Hal," she says, shortly not from pique but merely her struggling with the language still. "Here." "Hal?", the young lion repeats questions, glancing at the lioness again. "So you met her before?" Kiwanja nods, after a moment's hesitation. Just the once, and that earlier in the day...but it counts, no? "Hmmm..." Pondering that a moment Tahzhoo decides for postponing that - for now. Looking at the water now he pushes himself further up to a stand and starts padding towards the water, passing his sister with a smile on his face, "You're no longer afraid of this place?" Kiwanja tilts her head, considering that comment before nodding with a whispered, "Nah." That might be bravado, or genuine--it is difficult to be certain. "That's good.. Would you like to watch me swim?" Having passed the cub now Tahzhoo walks into the water, with a longing expression on his face. This would be good for his battered body, and he feels he can do it again. Kiwanja shifts to watch this, wide-eyed with wonder--it's the first time she has seen anyone do something with, or in, water besides drinking it. Noticing the wide-eyed look from his sister while glancing back towards her Tahzhoo grins and heads on. When the water reaches his chin he lifts his head, pads a few more steps towards the center of the pool - and swims. Kiwanja's jaw parts in a silent expression of awe as she watches this. Swimming around slowly and in circles Tahzhoo keeps his head above the surface as he was told by his mother. "This, 'ja, is called 'swimming', and when you're older, you may try it yourself - if Mom allowssewffsvc"-- ACK! You shouldn't talk while swimming. He spits out the water and coughs a bit. Kiwanja emits a sound that could very easily be called a giggle, although it holds some nervousness as well as amusement. After some more circles Tahzhoo heads for the bank again. Padding out of the water, dripping wet, he moves close to his sister, grinning. "I wonder if I should show you what me and Mom did to Dad, back then.." Kiwanja shifts backwards, seeming nervous, if mostly feigned. He wouldn't...not to his dear sister. The adolescent's smile widens when he sees her backing away. She did understand it, and she remembered his little story. No, of course he wouldn't. Stepping the other way Tahzhoo makes sure not to moisten his sister's fur when he shakes the water out of his own. Kiwanja mutters under her breath, backing away to what she is certain is a safe distance. She remains stubbornly seated, not going to move near a soaked Lion. Returning to his sister now Tahzhoo flops onto the ground, starting to lick his fur. After a few strokes he peers towards her, smiling invitingly. "Would you like to help me with that, 'ja?" Kiwanja shakes her head, still stubborn, and remains where she is.