,AMMMMP ,MMMMMMMMA. Don't just play... ,M;' `YV' AM' ,OMA, S U R V I V E AM| `~VMM,. .,ama,____,amma,.. MML )MMMD .AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD. VMMM .AMMY' ,AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMD `VMM, AMMMV' ,AMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM, VMMMmMMV' ,AMY~~'' 'MMMMMMMMMMMM' '~~ ,a `YMMMM' AMM' `VMMMMMMMMP'_ A,aMM AMMM' VMMA. 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Although the grass is taller to the west, and sparse and thin to the east, along its central stretch it is of a medium height, broken by an occasional bald spot or rock. Journey across the area is not made too difficult, for burrowing animals have rendered the soil soft and loose, and shallows are often rich with clean rainwater. Trees seem to be the only thing few and far between, although a few angrily territorial acacias have managed to stake out their own broad territories under the sun. Obvious Exits: [East]-Littlerock Valley [West]-Wildflower Ocean Contents: [IC ]Lenith, descending Queen. Kukeni pads in from the east, skirting around to take advantage of the tufts of longer grass in a near-automatic desire to not be immediatly noticed. Motionless, the flaxen-gold form of a slumbering lioness lies luxuriously over a bare patch of warm earth amidst the flowers. A tiny breeze plays over the fur at her peaked shoulders, but she sleeps on obliviously, chin resting on massive paws. Kukeni pauses as she nears the sleeping Lioness, then waits where she stands, one or two of her own lengths away, to see if the tawny feline will wake. A black-tipped ear flicks, and the lioness sniffs once, twice in her sleep. Broad pink tongue sweeping over her muzzle, she unconciously re-settles her weight against the earth, lost in dream. Kukeni untenses the merest fraction as the Lioness does not seem inclined to wake, and circles around her to continue on her way, hopefully without having disturbed her. Suddenly, like a scarab beetle flashing in the sun, one dark amber eye snaps open. The pupil roils and dilates rapidly in the sudden exposure to sunlight, locking onto the serval automatically. The lioness' tail lashes in a mighty arc across the ground, and that single eye does not reliquish its hold. Kukeni freezes again, this time not out of caution but from being held by that gaze...glare? Her ears flatten and slick back in a display of her sudden unease. Even in her reclining position, the lioness emanates unadulterated regality -- the blood of Queens is strong in her, aged though she may be. Her nostrils flare instinctively, but she does not rise. A second eye flickers open, this one filmed over by impending blindness. Her long features are as impassive as stone as she takes in the serval weighingly. "You are a newcomer here," comes the startling voice, a silky, rumbling bass that is surprisingly feminine, and commands respect. Kukeni swallows, then, as her ears slowly swivel to perk forwards again, manages to reply, "I am." Still she does not look away, although she is tense, unnerved by this encounter. The lioness lifts her head on an impeccably-arched neck, drawing herself up to sit in a sphinx-like position. Her ears go forward, and the restless tail curls neatly about her hindquarters. Despite the one foggy eye, she is a formidable sight indeed, with massively clawed forelimbs crossed elegantly in front of her. "What do you seek on these grounds?" Her low voice is touched with the slightest lilt of cool curiosity, and her eyes rest heavily on the serval. Kukeni straightens a fraction, then speaks the truth. "Territory, perhaps. If I can find somewhere appropriare, where I would not--be unwelcome," she falters a little at this, under the elder Lioness' gaze. The leonine blinks slowly, arching a brow. The intensity of her stare noticably racks up a few notches. "Those who are reasonable are welcome here," she rumbles smoothly. "Those who do not abide by the Law are not. I do hope that you fall beneath the latter category, for you own sake." Her words are not unkind, simply cautioning. Kukeni says cautiously, "I would certainly try to be, once I know--of the Law." A tiny, reserved smile curls at the edges of the elder leonine's muzzle, deepening the lines of age in her features. The small expression softens her countenance slightly, warming the cold glint in her eyes. Dipping her head in a fluid nod, she rumbles, "The Law will become clear to you soon enough, if you wish to follow its path. In the meantime, you have free reign to wander -- but only that. Hunting game is reserved for the daughters of the pride, and they will enforce their right rigidly, if need be." She speaks as if reciting something memorized long ago, a mandate used to welcome all outsiders. Kukeni hesitates. "I--" She breaks off, looking for permission to speak before continuing. A tiny dip of the head conveys the lioness' granted permission, her ears flicking a bit as if faintly pleased with such unexpected manners from a newcomer. At the permission, Kukeni continues, although still somewhat hesitently. "I don't compete with your kind--I hunt insects, and small grass game. Nothing larger." "Then there will be no conflict of interests, will there?" With that rhetoric question, the lioness's gaze softens further, but her inherent regality remains. "Do you seek territory for a family?" Kukeni answers, picking her words carefully, "Not now, nor for some time, but eventually, perhaps." The lioness nods, her curiosity sated. "It is always wise to think of the future." Her head tilts a fraction so that she can level her one clear eye at the serval. "Forgive me for my interrogation, but such methods have become ... necessary in the past few suns." The gold-tipped tail twitches with restrained irritance, but her tone is carefully neutral. "I have not introduced myself properly. I am Lenith Wears-The-Sun, head of the hunting grounds pride. This territory is under my care." Kukeni straightens a little, emphasing her overlong legs, then answers with equal formailty, "I am Kukeni, of Kilahri of Ryana, in Gressir's matriline. A wanderer, now." Lenith dips her head in an abbreviated bow, almost touching muzzle to paws. "May the grace of Ancestors be on you, Kukeni," she intones, her silky voice perfectly suited for such verbal ceremonies. "A wanderer, you say? A difficult life-path to choose, is it not?" Kukeni looks a little uncomfortable. "Yes," she agrees, glancing away, as if wanting to move onwards but not knowing if that would be acceptable. The lioness, though elder, is still sharp -- she reads the serval's body language with a single glance. "Walk safely, Kukeni. I'm sure we will meet again." Kukeni nods in acknowledgement. "And you as well." With that, she moves on her way.