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Web-based character application: http://www.thumper.net/tlkmuck/join.htm *If the MUCK is DOWN, please email the Admin so they can restart it!* =-------------------= NO HUMANS BEYOND THIS POINT! =---------------------= [ January 06, 1999 ] {{{ Shekwon Water Hole }}} ----------_--------------------------------------------------- _ ( ) _ |##########################| ( ]|=|[ ) |#########################| |_]_[_| |########################| ||######################| |||======/ | | | | | | | | | ||| | | | ____-------_ | | | [SB] / __== / -=-_-=-_-=-//=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=-_-=/_-=/ || / ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~== | | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~==== ------>[PF] /~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~=== [CE] <----- ------> [BD] ----------------------------------------------------------------- Smelling water, you near this small pond. It is lined by trees and has a few large, flat rocks bordering it. The ground is mostly dirt, with a few grass patches here and there. The pond is clear and you can almost see to the bottom. You can take a drink, or relax on one of the warm, flat rocks. This is a come gathering place for pack members, and many cubs love to swim in its cool waters. On the far side of this pond is a large rock 'face', smooth and greyish. Short trees hug against it, creating a rather dense landscape. There is a 'dark' area near the base of the mountain, with overhanging branches and bushes blocking the view. ----------------------------------------------------------------- [S]hekwon [B]order [P]ath up the rock [f]ace {B}eta {D}en [C]learing to the [E]xpance You can see... [IC ] [Jumnu] Injured and broken [ZZZ] Saker, the Alpha wolf at Shekwons. Reoa yawns widely as she wakes, then stands and shakes herself. Jumnu is laying on his side looking away from everyone. The trail of blood from the den still can be seen in the dirt from yesterday. Reoa moves towards Jumnu. She skirts around the dried blood trail, her upper lip curling in distaste. Jumnu bats an object that looks like a stick away from him as he whimpers and sniffles loudly. Reoa stops a short distance away. "Dad?" she asks. Jumnu ears perk, "Reoa?" he questions. Reoa says, "Yah. Me. What happened?" Reoa steps closer, seeing the injuries more clearly now. Jumnu sits up. You see his left leg complety gone. And laying a few feet away. Where he batted it to. His head lowered in shame almost afraid to even look at his own daughter Jumnu A wolf with black fur not including the patch of white on his belly stands before you. His left ear torn a bit is his real marking of his past. It was given to him by his grandfather when he was a pup and chased out of the pack. His dark coat thought to be of an evil demon wolf. He is strong and fierce one moment and gentle and caring the next. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~*JUMNU*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Jumnu is now without one of his legs. His front left one to be exact. He mostly flops about right now due to the pain and suffering he has. Other than that he is in ok health. Reoa says softly, almost pleading, "Tell me?" Jumnu sighs, "Jana...challenged me to alpha fight and won." Reoa breathes, "Oh." Jumnu lays back down with a thud. Not quite mastering his new disability. "I am so hungry....and noone seems to bring me food." Reoa says, "I will. And Mom will, of course." Jumnu smiles. "Lost alot of blood...no food." Reoa works this through, still not certain about the details of pack rank. "So now you're...?" Jumnu smirks, "Now love I am nothing. Not even hardly noticed as any stature. I am worse than a submissive. They all look to me with pity at a wolf that used to be powerful." Reoa asserts, "You're not nothing. You're my Dad." Jumnu smiles, "Only to you love and your sisters...to the pack I am nothing" Reoa says, "We're part of the pack, though." Jumnu smiles, "yeah. You, Saker and your sisters are higher than me. I hold an individual status.." Reoa shakes her head. "Don't understand." Jumnu smiles lightly, "All is ok dear. Don't worry about it." Reoa stamps one forepaw, stirring dust with her blunt claws. "Is /not/ okay." Saker slowly wakes up, looking at Jumnu and Reoa. A faint sigh, and still tears of pain cling to her cheek....o 0 (Why me?) Jumnu frowns a bit. Jumnu ponders, "I do not know how to explain it love." Reoa sits, somewhat awkwardly, and stares soulfully at Jumnu. Saker sighs again. No hope filled the lone wolf, nothing was ever right, something alway seemed to find away to wreck her good moods...she sits, thinks, cries, and sighs to herself, about the only energy she has now. Jumnu looks to Saker, "Hello love." Saker tries to smile, but can't. "Hi love, how are you?" she asks. Jumnu smiles, "Am well and you?" Saker gets to her paws, and moves over to the water, stares at her reflection: "I'm okay." Lying, she tries to help herself out, by making herself feel bright, and okay. Jumnu smiles to Reoa as he gets up and half hop/flops towards Saker. Saker nuzzles Jumnu. "It feels like it's all gone. Everything, but you and the pups.." Jumnu shakes his head, "Love....it's not all gone.....it's just...sleeping" Saker smiles. "It's funny how you are in the position you are in, and everyone else is losing it. We should learn a lot from you Jumnu, lots." Jumnu smirks, "Acctually dear I think I lost it....see it's laying over there." He chuckles a bit looking at his leg. Saker laughs. "Aww now, don't say that. You know, you are right as ever. We shouldn't give up." Jumnu noddles, "Yeah heck hows it go? *sings* You can't keep a good wolf down...oh you can't keep a good wolf down *end singing*" Saker laughs and nuzzles him again. "Oh stop that now." She chuckles again. "You're so reasurring, and goofy." Jumnu shrugs, "Well. I can't do much of anything else...." he winks, "Wonder if it will grow back ...hmmm" Saker grins. "I hope it does." She grins again, then lays down next to him. "You're the best Jumnu." Jumnu smiles, "Love. I do what I can to cheer everyone up." Saker murrs. "And you do a very good job Jumnu." Jumnu licks her cheek and nuzzles her, then smiles, "Reoa. Come here love." Reoa stands and steps closer. "Yah?" Jumnu smiles, "You are happy here yes or no?" Reoa says, "Happy, yes. Here's home." Jumnu smiles, "Good. Now I want you both to realize...what has happened here between Jana and me. It's just part of the pack....ok? Don't hold it against her please." Reoa shakes her head. "Wouldn't. Happens." Saker nods slowly.. Saker hoooowlls across the lands. Zai arrives from "Jumnu's and Saker's Den". Zai A little black wolf pup appears like a whisper of a shadow. Gray eyes peer out innocently from the small face, and you realize that she's not as young as she looks, but she's a runt. Her black fur is marred only by a splotch of white on her chest, she bears striking resemblance to Jumnu. Often mistaken for younger due to her size, she's just as old as Reoa and the rest of her sisters. Her ears are alert and swivel at most sounds. Zai pads out of the cave, yawning. Jumnu hmms, "So then. No disrespecting her ok?" Reoa shakes her head vigorously. Jumnu frowns to Reoa, "So you're gonna disrespect her?" Reoa says, "Won't, I meant. Will respect her. Have too." Zai barks softly, moving over to Saker. "Hi momma." Saker nods to Zai. "Hi Zai, how are you?" Jumnu smiles to Reoa and nuzzles her smiling, "Thank you dear." He looks to Zai, "Hello Zai." Zai nods to her mother, "I'm okay.. Hi daddy." Reoa yawns widely. "I'm going to sleep," she announces. "Hi Zai." Jumnu smiles, "Hello love...Good night Reoa" Reoa says, "Night." Reoa turns to return to the den, once more stepping carefully to avoid the trail of dried blood. She pauses as she remembers and calls over her shoulder, "Mom, Dad needs food." Jumnu smiles to Reoa and looks to Saker. Saker chuckles. "All right. I'll go get food. Food will be here soon." Reoa nods sharply. "Good."