Fevra's Website




Reoa is a character I played on The Lion King MUCK from November 1998 to August 1999.


Reoa is a female adolescent Ethiopian Wolf. She was born to Jumnu and Saker, the beta pair of the Shekwon pack. In youth she had the company of her three litter-sisters, Kasya, Darwela, and Zai, as well as her parents and the other pack members.

During her adolescence, with the death of her parents Reoa lost the certainty even of her place within the Shekwon pack, once the constant in her young life. Uncertain and grieving, she withdrew into her private thoughts, shrugging away contact with others. Reoa wandered alone, resisting contact with other creatures, and especially with her own kind.


Name: Pronounced [ Ree-oh-ah ], logically enough, it is a made-up name has no meaning that I'm aware of, but it's one I like. It was my original name for Argen, in the first draft of my application, and suggests for a couple other characters in turn, until finishing as this one, who in appearance in somewhat similar to a Gray Fox.


Reoa's Description:

Reoa is a young female Ethiopian Wolf, partway through her adolescence. Although she has been wandering for moons, as is made evident by the dust clinging to her pelt, this seems to have lessened rather than added to her confidence. The way this growing Wolf carries herself shows unconcious deference, as if she imagines retribution to be forthcoming at any moment.
     The greater part of her fur is a soft grey-brown. It darkens on her long legs to near black, a patterning which is echoed by the dark line on her spine that continues to a black tip on the canine's feathery tail. Areas of rufous lie along her flanks, growing darker on her underbelly, to contrast with the small patches of white there.
     Framed by triangular ears, her long-muzzled face contains a pair of bright eyes. These are a slatey bluish grey, with amber flecks encircling round black pupils. Innocence was once held in those depths, but now tragedy, confusion, and uncertainty have replaced that trust with a nervous calculation. This is echoed by Reoa's stance, almost hunched, tail held low. She tends to twitch, sometimes violently enough to stir dust with the blunt, white claws on her dark paws.

Preview24Reoa as a young pup.Pencil crayonNovember 25, 1998
Preview36A portrait of Reoa in her adolescence.Pencil crayonJanuary 06, 1999
Preview10Reoa is a troubled creature.OekakiDecember 05, 2003
Preview98Reoa's parents, Jumnu and Saker.Pencil crayon, black fineliner pen and gold gel pen on red recycled paperDecember 22, 2004



